Sunday, 04 June 2006


Disney arkadaslarim - My Disney
Hakkımda - About me
Ilgi Alanları - Interests
Fotoğraf Galerisi
Ziyaretci Defteri - GuestBook

Sitemi ziyaret eden / I thank to
Hit Counter kisiye tesekkur ederim / people who have
visited my page!












Bu web sitesinde babamin vakit ayirip da hazirlayabildigi (tesekkurler babacigim) benle ilgili yazi ve fotograflar bulacaksiniz.

Benle tanismak isteyebilecegini dusundugunuz kisileri de web siteme cekinmeden davet edebilirsiniz.

Please feel free to invite people to my web-site, who you think might want to meet me.

You will find some things about myself and also some photographs in this web site, which my daddy spared some time and made for his bunny (that's me and thanks Daddy).

You will see that some of the pages are in Turkish. That is because my Daddy couldn't find time for all the translation thing yet. But I think photo-language is universal. Please enjoy and take your time.

Fotograf Albumu


Fotograflarim yenilendi, bakmadan gecmeyin.


Giriş | Disney arkadaslarim - My Disney | Hakkımda - About me | Ilgi Alanları - Interests | Favoriler | Fotoğraf Galerisi | Ziyaretci Defteri - GuestBook

This site was last updated 06/04/06